Happiness chemicals and how to hack them

Happiness chemicals and how to hack them

Happiness chemicals and how to hack them Dopamine The Reward Chemical Completing a task Doing self-care activities Eating food Celebrating little wins Oxytocin The Love Hormone Playing with a dog Playing with a baby Holding someone’s hand Hugging your family...
Introvert Memes, Volume II

Introvert Memes, Volume II

15 hours left to do nothing a large group of humans is called a fuck that a life of peace and quiet all this overthinking and I still make the wrong decisions an introverts life others don’t understand how an introvert says fuck you in a nice way introvert...

Disney Characters Reimagined as Classic Oil Paintings

Heather Theurer describes her work as “a gateway into the reality of your imagination,” which is certainly the case when looking through her impressive portfolio. Each painting not only physically resembles a real-life version of each character, but it also captures...
Do You Need a Life Purpose? (Surprising)

Do You Need a Life Purpose? (Surprising)

Life Purpose: everyone talks about it and says it’s so important to find it and know exactly what it is. But is that really true? Could there be surprising wisdom that says otherwise? And could you have an even more fulfilling and impactful life without necessarily...
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